分类及判别 Classification and discrimination市场模型分类 Classification of market models
整理分类并呈现 Classify & present
克莱顿法 Clayton act
克莱顿反托拉斯法 Clayton Antitrust Act
光票 Clean bill
干净浮动 Clean float
明显可信的证据 Clear and convicing evidence
票据交换所 Clearing house
银行间票据交换支付制度 Clearing House In System (CHIPS) terbank Payment
票据交换所式的拍卖 Clearinghouse auction
飞剪船 Clipper Ships
封闭对应 Closed correspondence
闭锁经济 Closed economy
封闭循环控制 Closed loop control
封闭性人口 Closed population
封闭集合 Closed set
封闭厂 Closed shop
封闭型共同基金 Closed-end mutual fund
封闭式 Closed-ended
死循环式均衡 Closed-loop equilibrium
死循环式策略 Closed-loop strategy
闭集 Closure
俱乐部财 Club goods
丛聚分析 Cluster analysis
丛聚抽样 Cluster sampling
煤炭工业 Coal Industry
采煤 Coal Mining
联盟;结盟 Coalition
联合协议 Coalition bargaining
防结盟的奈许均衡 Coalition-proof Nash equilibrium
寇斯猜测 Coase conjecture
寇斯定理 Coase theorem
寇斯-威廉逊分析 Coase-Williamson analysis
沿岸渔业 Coastal fishery
柯布-道格拉斯生产函数 Cobb-Douglas production function
蛛网理论 Cobweb model
蛛网理论 Cobweb theory
柯克兰定理 Cochran theorem
柯克兰-欧克特转换 Cochrane-Orcutt transformation
鸡尾酒式交换契约 Cock tail swap
共同管理 Codetermination