不对称分配 Asymmetrical distribution不对称性检定 Asymmetrical test
不对称性 Asymmetry
渐近偏误 Asymptotic bias
渐近互变异收矩阵 Asymptotic covariance matrix
渐近分配;极限分配 Asymptotic distribution
渐近有效性 Asymptotic efficiency
渐近扩展 Asymptotic expansion
渐近期望值 Asymptotic expectation
渐近常态分配 Asymptotic normal distribution
渐近常态性 Asymptotic normality
渐近特性 Asymptotic property
渐近相对有效性 Asymptotic relative efficiency
渐近检定 Asymptotic test
渐近理论 Asymptotic theory
渐近不偏误性 Asymptotic unbiasedness
渐近变异数 Asymptotic variance
渐近变异数-共变数矩阵 Asymptotic variance- covariance matrix
渐近等价检定 Asymptotically equivalent test
局部渐近最强不偏检定 Asymptotically locally most powerful unbiased tests
渐进不偏估计量 Asymptotically unbiased estimator
面额 At par
现价下单 At the market
价平发行 At the money
学识测验 Attainment tests
企图独占 Attempted to monopolize
认证 Attestation
律师费 Attorney‘s fees
拍卖 Auction
拍卖出价者 Auction bidders
拍卖出价 Auction bidding
喊价市场 Auction market
拍卖市场环境 Auction market settings
拍卖人;喊价者 Auctioneer
拍卖 Auctions
具有不对称信息的拍卖 Auctions with asymmetric information
稽核 Auditing
扩大后的迪克-福勒检定统计量 Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic
扩大后的拉革朗日法 Augmented Lagrangian method
奥曼-佩勒斯定理 Aumann-Perles theorem
奥地利学派 Austrian economics
澳洲模型 Austrian model