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交通事故中三轮机动车在非碰撞性运输事故造成未特指的三轮机动车乘客的损伤    Unsp occupant of 3-wheeled motor veh inj‘d in traffic acc

非交通事故中非碰撞性运输事故造成未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与其他非机动车辆碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与固定或静止物体碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车未特指的乘客在轻型货车或篷车与行人或牲畜碰撞造成的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

未特指的轻型货车或篷车乘客在车轻型货车或篷车与脚踏车碰撞造成的非交通事故损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与两轮或三轮机动车碰撞造未特指的轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与小汽车、轻型货车或篷车碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与重型运输车或公共汽车碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

非交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与火车或铁路车辆碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in nontraffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与重型运输车或公共汽车碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与小汽车、轻型货车或篷车碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与两轮或三轮机动车碰撞造成未特指的轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与脚踏车碰撞造成未特指的轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

未特指的轻型货车或篷车乘员在轻型货车或篷车与行人或牲畜碰撞造成的交通事故的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与其他非机动车辆碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘客的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与火车或铁路车辆碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车的乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中轻型货车或篷车与固定或静止物体碰撞中未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

交通事故中非碰撞性运输事故造成未特指轻型货车或篷车乘员的损伤    Unsp occupant of pick-up truck/van inj‘d in traffic acc

由于食物和呕吐引起的肺炎    Unsp resp conds due chemicals gases fumes & vapours

与使用、过度使用和压迫有关的软组织疾患 NOS    Unsp soft tis disorder related to use overuse and pressure

硬脊膜下脑膜瘤 (M95300/0)    Unspec abdominal hernia with obstruction without gangrene

消化器官和腹腔标本的异常所见    Unspec abn find in specs from digestive org & abdom cavity

女性生殖器官的异常标本所见    Unspec abn find in specs from female genital organs

男性生殖器官的异常标本所见    Unspec abn find in specs from male genital organs

其他器官、系统和组织标本的异常所见    Unspec abnormal findings in specimens from other organs

呼吸器官和胸腔标本的异常所见    Unspec abnormal findings in specimens from resp org & thorax

完全性或未特指的流产失败,并发延迟或过度出血    Unspec abort complete/unspec comp by delay/excess haemor‘ge

完全性或未特指的流产失败,并发栓塞    Unspec abort complete/unspec comp by embolism

不完全性未特指的流产失败,并发生殖道和盆腔感染    Unspec abort complete/unspec comp by gen tract & pelvic inf

完全性或未特指的流产失败,伴有其他和未特指的并发症    Unspec abort complete/unspec with other & unsp compl

完全性或未特指的流产失败,无并发症    Unspec abort complete/unspec without complication

其他特指的女生殖器官良性肿瘤    Unspec as acute or chronic w‘out haemorrhage or perforation

阴囊良性肿瘤    Unspec as acute or chronic w‘out haemorrhage or perforation

膀胱良性肿瘤    Unspec as acute or chronic w‘out haemorrhage or perforation

外阴良性肿瘤    Unspec as acute or chronic w‘out haemorrhage or perforation

未特指的精神障碍    Unspec behav emotion disord onst usual ocur childhd adoles

非交通事故公共汽车与其他和未特指机动车辆碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤    Unspec bus occ‘t inj‘d coll‘n wth oth/unsp m/v nontraff acc

交通事故中公共汽车与其他和未特指机动车辆碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外员的损伤    Unspec bus occ‘t inj‘d coll‘n wth oth/unsp m/v traffic acc

起源于围生期的未特指的慢性呼吸性疾病    Unspec chronic resp disease origin in the perinatal period

输注、灌注或输血后的其他并发症 NOS    Unspec comp following infusion transfusion and therap inject

泌尿生殖系假体装置、植入物和移植物的并发症 NOS    Unspec comp genitourinary prosth dev implant & graft

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