足其他和未指定部位的扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot手其他和未特指部位的扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of hand
膝关节其他和未指定部位的扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee
胸部其他和未特指部位的扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
肋骨和胸骨扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of ribs and sternum
骶部关节劳损 Sprain and strain of sacroiliac joint
肩关节扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of shoulder joint
胸锁关节扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of sternoclavicular joint
胸部脊柱扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of thoracic spine
甲状腺区扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of thyroid region
足趾扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of toe(s)
腕关节扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain of wrist
腰部脊柱和骨盆其他和未特指部位的扭伤和劳损 Sprain and strain oth and unspec parts lumbar spine pelvis
手术和医疗操作的后遗症作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Sq sur/med proc caus ab react pt late comp no misad at time
丙型脑炎 St Louis encephalitis
由于其他特指的无机粉尘引起的尘肺 Stannosis
金黄色葡萄球菌感染作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Staph aureus as cause of dis classified to other chapters
幼白红细胞性贫血 Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
未特指的金黄色葡萄球菌感染 Staphylococcal infection unspecified
其他细菌性脑膜炎 Staphylococcal meningitis
附睾交界恶性肿瘤 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
情绪冲动和紧张状态 NOS State of emotional shock and stress unspecified
人工绝经后综合征 States associated with artificial menopause
支气管扩张症 Status asthmaticus
普通型偏头痛 Status epilepticus unspecified
复合性偏头痛 Status migrainosus
无胆色素尿性(家族性)黄疸 Steatocystoma multiplex
牙齿病理性吸收 Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages
嗜酸性腺癌 (M82800/3) Stenosis of anus and rectum
主动脉狭窄 Stenosis of aorta
喉的其他疾病 Stenosis of larynx
先天性肺动脉狭窄 Stenosis of pulmonary artery
口吃[结巴] Stereotyped movement disorders
绝育 Sterilization
产伤引起的胸骨乳突损伤 Sternomastoid injury due to birth injury
关节僵硬,未可归类在他处者 Stiffness of joint not elsewhere classified
刺激性泻剂类引起的有害效应 Stimulant laxatives
小肠克罗恩[克隆]病 Strabismus unspecified
奇怪的和不可解释的行为 Strange and inexplicable behaviour
肺炎链球菌作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Strep pneumoniae as cause of dis classif other chapters
A族链球菌作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Strept group A as cause of dis classified to other chapters
B族链球菌作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Strept group B as cause of dis classified to other chapters