在非碰撞性事故中骑手或乘员从牲畜或畜挽车辆上跌落或抛出 Rider/occ inj fall fm/thrown anim/anim-drwn veh noncoll acc在非碰撞性事故中骑手或乘员从牲畜或畜挽车辆上跌落或抛出 RIDER/OCC INJ FALL FM/THROWN ANIM/DRAWN VEH NONCOLL ACC
骑手或乘员在与火车或铁路车辆碰撞中的损伤 Rider/occ inj in coll with railway train or railway vehicle
利福霉素类有害效应 Rifamycins
裂谷热 Rift Valley fever
玫瑰糠疹 Right fascicular block
若西欧病毒病 Rocio virus disease
口形红细胞增多 Rosacea unspecified
罗斯河热 Ross River disease
旋转环带综合症 Rotator cuff syndrome
旋转病毒性肠炎 Rotaviral enteritis
无医学指征和宗教仪式的包皮环切术 Routine and ritual circumcision
儿童常规健康检查 Routine child health examination
公共机构居民的常规一般性健康查体 Routine gen health check-up of inhabitants of institutions
学生的常规一般性健康查体 Routine gen health check-up of other defined subpopulations
军队的常规一般性健康查体 Routine general health check-up of armed forces
体育比赛队的常规一般性健康查体 Routine general health check-up of sports teams
常规产后随诊 Routine postpartum follow-up
后天性纤维蛋白原缺乏血症 Rubella arthritis
风疹,伴有神经科并发症 Rubella with neurological complications
风疹,伴有其他并发症 Rubella with other complications
风疹[流行性蔷薇疹] Rubella without complication
脓皮病 Rup cardac wal withou haemopercard as cur comp fol ac MI
红癣 Rup chordae tendinae as curr comp fol acut myocard infarct
皮肤和皮下组织其他特指的局部感染 Rup papilary muscle as curr comp fol acute myocard infarct
白斑病 Rupture of artery
非创伤性膀胱破裂 Rupture of bladder nontraumatic
环形红斑 Rupture of chordae tendineae not elsewhere classified
踝关节外侧韧带断裂 Rupture of ligaments at ankle and foot level
边缘性红斑 Rupture of papillary muscle not elsewhere classified
腘囊肿破裂 Rupture of popliteal cyst
滑膜破裂 Rupture of synovium
分娩前子宫破裂 Rupture of uterus before onset of labour
分娩中子宫破裂 Rupture of uterus during labour
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