淋巴上皮样淋巴瘤 (M97040/3) Periph & cutan T-cell lymphomas lymphoepithelioid lymphoma其他和未特指的T细胞淋巴瘤 (M95900/3) Periph & cutan T-cell lymphomas oth & unsp T-cell lymphomas
周围的T细胞淋巴瘤 (M97050/3) Periph & cutan T-cell lymphomas peripheral T-cell lymphoma
蕈样真菌病[阿利贝尔特氏病] (M97000/3) Peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphomas mycosis fungoides
网状细胞增多(症)[塞扎瑞氏病] (M97010/3) Peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphomas Sezary‘s disease
T-区性淋巴瘤 (M97030/3) Peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphomas T-zone lymphoma
表皮增厚,未特指 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
先天性外周动静脉畸形 Peripheral arteriovenous malformation
周围神经和自主神经系统动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
慢性和未特指的胃空肠溃疡伴有出血 Peripheral retinal degeneration
汗臭(腋臭) Peripheral vascular disease unspecified
周围血管扩张剂引起的有害效应 Peripheral vasodilators
脊神经良性肿瘤 Peritoneal adhesions
臂丛神经良性肿瘤 Peritonitis unspecified
慢性喉炎 Peritonsillar abscess
腓侧肌腱炎 Peroneal tendinitis
血液和造血器官疾病和某些涉及免疫机制的疾患个人史 Pers hist dis blood/bld form orgs & cer dis inv immune mech
其他特指的涉及非机动车辆(碰撞性)(非碰撞性)运输事故中的人员损伤,非交通性 Pers inj ot sp (coll/noncoll) t‘port ac inv non m/v (nontrf)
其他特指的涉及非机动车辆(碰撞性)(非碰撞性)运输事故中的人员损伤(交通性) Pers inj oth sp (coll)(noncoll) t‘port ac inv non m/v (traf)
泄殖腔存留 Persistent cloaca
循环型躁狂抑郁症 Persistent delusional disorder unspecified
新生儿循环存留 Persistent fetal circulation
持续性发热 Persistent fever
持续性胸腺增生 Persistent hyperplasia of thymus
左上腔静脉永存 Persistent left superior vena cava
混合性情感发作 Persistent mood [affective] disorder unspecified
持续性蛋白尿 NOS Persistent proteinuria unspecified
其他躯体形式障碍 Persistent somatoform pain disorder
等待住入他处有充足医疗设施场所的人的问题 Person awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere
为寻求解释调查结果的人 Person consulting for explanation of investigation findings
对未在场的第三者的指导和处理 Person consulting on behalf of another person
在未特指情况下与保健机构接触的人 Person encountering health services in unspec circumstances
在上下全地带或其他越野机动车时的人员的损伤 Person inj boarding/alight from all-terr/other off-road m/v
小汽车和重型运输车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between car & heavy t‘port veh (nontraffic)
小汽车和轻型货车或篷车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj coll between car and pick-up truck/van (traffic)
重型运输车和公共汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between heavy t‘port veh & bus (nontraffic)
其他机动车辆和两轮或三轮机动车之间碰撞造成的人员的损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between oth m/v & 2-3 wheel m/v (nontraffic)
其他机动车辆和两轮或三轮机动车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj coll between oth mot veh & 2-3 whl m/v (traffic)
其他特指机动车辆之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between oth specif mot veh (nontraffic)
火车或铁路车辆和小汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between rail train/rail veh & car (nontraff)
小汽车和重型运输车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj in coll between car & heavy t‘port veh (traffic)
小汽车和轻型货车或篷车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj in coll between car & pick-up truck/van (nontraf)