双侧第一腕掌关节的创伤后关节病 Post-traumatic arthrosis of first carpometacarpal jt bilat创伤后关节病 NOS Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints
创伤后双侧髋关节病 Post-traumatic coxarthrosis bilateral
创伤后双侧膝关节病 Post-traumatic gonarthrosis bilateral
其他脑积水 Post-traumatic hydrocephalus unspecified
适应障碍 Post-traumatic stress disorder
创伤性尿道狭窄 Post-traumatic urethral stricture
创伤后伤口感染,NEC Post-traumatic wound infection not elsewhere classified
青年期姿势性脊柱后凸 Postural kyphosis
脑病,未特指 Postviral fatigue syndrome
分类于他处的传染病和寄生虫病引起的多发性颅神经麻痹 Postzoster neuralgia
波特综合征 Potter‘s syndrome
耳前窦道或囊肿 Preauricular sinus and cyst
急产 Precipitate labour
性早熟 Precocious puberty
心前区疼痛 Precordial pain
非变应性哮喘 Predominantly allergic asthma
α肾上腺素能受体显效药引起的有害效应,NEC Predominantly alpha-adrenorreceptor agonists NEC
β肾上腺素能受体显效药引起的有害效应,NEC Predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists NEC
混合性强迫性思维和动作 Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals]
强迫型行为疾患[强迫仪式] Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations
先兆子痫 NOS Pre-eclampsia unspecified
就业前接受的检查 Pre-employment examination
扁平苔癣 Pre-excitation syndrome
原有特发性高血压并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Pre-exist essen hypertens comp preg childbirth and puerp
原有高血压性心脏病并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Pre-exist hyperten heart dis comp preg childbth and puerp
原有高血压性心脏病的肾脏病并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Pre-exist hyperten heart renal dis comp preg chdbth/puerp
原有高血压性肾脏病并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Pre-exist hyperten renal dis comp preg childbth and puerp
原有的高血压性疾患,并发蛋白尿 Pre-exist hypertens disorder with superimposed proteinuria
原有继发性高血压并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Pre-exist sec hypertens comp preg childbth and puerprum
胰岛素依赖型妊娠期原有的糖尿病 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent
非胰岛素依赖型妊娠期原有的糖尿病 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent
妊娠期原有的糖尿病 NOS Pre-existing diabetes mellitus unspecified
妊娠期原有的与营养不良有关的糖尿病 Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
习惯性流产者的妊娠医疗 Pregnancy care of habitual aborter
确认妊娠 Pregnancy confirmed
妊娠(尚)未确定 Pregnancy not (yet) confirmed
与妊娠有关的情况 NOS Pregnancy-related condition unspecified
附带妊娠状态 Pregnant state incidental
在24小时以后产程开始胎膜早破 Prem rupture of membranes onset of labour after 24 hours
在24小时之内产程开始胎膜早破 Prem rupture of membranes onset of labour within 24 hours
非器质性阴道痉挛 Premature ejaculation