交通事故中重型运输车与两轮或三轮机动车碰撞造成重型车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident重型运输车车辆外人员在重型运输车与火车或铁路车辆碰撞中交通事故的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
重型运输车车辆外人员在重型运输车与重型运输车或公共汽车碰撞中交通事故的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与行人或牲畜碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与两轮或三轮机动车碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与脚踏车碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与小汽车、轻型货车或篷车碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与重型运输车或公共汽车碰撞中造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与火车或铁路车辆碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与固定或静止物体碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中非碰撞性运输事故造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
交通事故中公共汽车与其他非机动车辆碰撞造成公共汽车车辆外人员的损伤 Person on outside of vehicle injured in traffic accident
非交通事故中专用建筑车辆外部人员的损伤 Person on outside special construct veh inj in nontraff acc
交通事故中专用工业车辆外部人员的损伤 Person on outside special indust veh inj in traffic accident
非交通事故中全地带或其他越野机动车外部人员的损伤 Person outside all-terr/oth off-road m/v inj in nontraff acc
恐惧情况未证实 Person with feared complaint in whom no diagnosis is made
童年时受惊吓的经历的问题 Personal frightening experience in childhood
呼吸系统恶性肿瘤史 Personal hist malig neoplasm oth resp and intrathoracic orgs
不服从医疗和医疗制度个人史 Personal hist noncompliance with med treatment and regimen
非药物和生物制品过敏个人史 Personal hist of allergy oth than to drugs and biol subs
起源于围生期的某些情况个人史 Personal hist of certain conds arising in perinatal period
先天畸形、变形和染色体异常个人史 Personal hist of cong malf‘ns deform‘ns/chromosomal abnms
肌肉骨骼系统和结缔组织疾病个人史 Personal hist of dis of the musculoskeletal sys and conn tis
淋巴造血和有关组织其他恶性肿瘤个人史 Personal hist oth malig neo lymphoid h‘poietic & rel tissues
其他药物、药剂和生物制品过敏个人史 Personal history allergy oth drugs medicaments/biol subs
药物、药剂和生物制品过敏个人史 NOS Personal history allergy unsp drugs medicaments/biol subs
妊娠分娩和产褥期并发症个人史 Personal history comps of pregnancy childbirth & puerperium
抗凝血药长期(近期)使用个人史 Personal history long -term (current) use of anticoagulants
麻醉剂过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to anaesthetic agent
镇痛药过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to analgesic agent
麻醉催眠剂过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to narcotic agent
其他抗生素制剂过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to other antibiotic agents
其他抗感染制剂过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to other anti-infective agents
青霉素过敏史 Personal history of allergy to penicillin
血清和疫苗过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to serum and vaccine
磺胺类药过敏个人史 Personal history of allergy to sulfonamides
避孕个人史 Personal history of contraception
神经系统疾病和感觉器官疾病个人史 Personal history of dis of the nervous sys and sense organs
皮肤病和皮下组织病个人史 Personal history of dis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
循环系统疾病个人史 Personal history of diseases of the circulatory system
消化系统疾病个人史 Personal history of diseases of the digestive system
泌尿生殖系统疾病个人史 Personal history of diseases of the genitourinary system