巨大儿引起的梗阻性分娩 Obstructed labour due to unusually large fetus梗阻性分娩 NOS Obstructed labour unspecified
气管交界恶性肿瘤 Obstruction of bile duct
泪囊良性肿瘤 Obstruction of duodenum
其他腹膜炎 Obstruction of Eustachian tube
食管动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Obstruction of gallbladder
泌尿道梗阻 Obstructive and reflux uropathy unspecified
正常压力脑积水 Obstructive hydrocephalus
传染性湿疹样皮炎[恩格曼氏病] Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
枕部脑膨出 Occipital encephalocele
静止期脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of anterior cerebral artery
匐行性脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of basilar artery
其他局限性脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of carotid artery
粘蛋白性脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of cerebellar arteries
雄激素性脱发 NOS Occlusion and stenosis of middle cerebral artery
斑秃 NOS Occlusion and stenosis of multip and bilat precerebrl arts
其他特指非瘢痕性毛发缺乏 Occlusion and stenosis of multiple and bilat cerebrl arts
非瘢痕性毛发缺失,未特指 Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral artery
药物性脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of other precerebral artery
再生期脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of posterior cerebral artery
假斑秃 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery
其他雄激素性脱发 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified precerebral artery
全身脱毛 Occlusion and stenosis of vertebral artery
火车或铁路车辆乘员从火车或铁路车辆上跌落造成的损伤 Occup rail train/rail veh inj by fall fm rail train/rail veh
火车或铁路车辆乘员在火车或铁路车辆上跌倒造成的损伤 Occup rail train/rail veh inj by fall in rail train/rail veh
因与铁路列车碰撞或被铁路车辆撞击造成火车或铁路车乘员的损伤 Occup rail train/rail veh inj coll with/hit by rolling stock
因与其他物体碰撞造成火车或铁路车辆乘员的损伤 Occup rail train/rail veh inj in collision with other object
其他特指铁路事故中火车或铁路车辆乘员的损伤 Occup rail train/rail veh inj in other specif railway acc
未特指铁路事故中火车或铁路车辆乘员的损伤 Occup rail train/rail veh inj‘d in unspec railway accident
不伴有事先碰撞而出轨造成的火车或铁路车辆乘员的损伤 Occup railtrain/rail veh inj in derail‘t wthout ante coll‘n
交通事故中因与机动车辆碰撞造成火车或铁路车辆乘员的损伤 Occup railway train/rail veh inj coll with mot veh traf acc
非交通事故中因与机动车辆碰撞造成火车或铁路车辆乘员的损伤 Occup railwaytrain/veh inj‘d coll‘n mot veh in nontraf acc
非交通事故中因与机动车辆碰撞造成(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occup streetcar inj in collision with mot veh in nontraf acc
交通事故中因与机动车辆碰撞造成(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occup streetcar inj in collision with mot veh in traff acc
不伴有事先碰撞而出轨造成的(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occup streetcar inj in derailment without antec‘t collision
因与车辆碰撞或被车辆撞击造成(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occup streetcar inj‘d in coll‘n with or hit by rolling stock
其他特指运输事故中(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occup streetcar injured in oth specif transport accidents
在其他特指空中运输事故中飞行器乘员的损伤 Occupant of aircraft inj in other spec air transport accs
市内有轨电车乘员从(市内有轨)电车上跌落造成的损伤 Occupant of streetcar injured by fall from streetcar
市内有轨电车乘员在(市内有轨)电车上跌倒造成的损伤 Occupant of streetcar injured by fall in streetcar
因与其他物体碰撞造成(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with other object
未特指的交通事故中(市内有轨)电车乘员的损伤 Occupant streetcar injured in unspecified traffic accident