脑脊膜动态性质未定的肿瘤,未特指 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav meninges unspecified中枢神经系统的其他部位动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav oth part of central nervous sys
其他消化器官动态未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav other digestive organs
其他女性生殖器官动态未定肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav other female genital organs
其他男性生殖器官动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav other male genital organs
其他呼吸器官动态未定肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav other respiratory organs
其他泌尿器官动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav other urinary organs
卵巢动态未定肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav ovary
甲状旁腺动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav parathyroid gland
松果体动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav pineal gland
垂体动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav pituitary gland
胎盘动态未定肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav placenta
胸膜动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav pleura
累及多个腺体动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav pluriglandular involvement
前列腺动态性质未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav prostate
直肠动态未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav rectum
肾盂动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav renal pelvis
呼吸器官动态未定肿瘤,未特指 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav respiratory organ unspecified
小肠动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav small intestine
脊髓动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav spinal cord
脊(髓)膜动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav spinal meninges
胃动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav stomach
睾丸动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav testis
胸腺动态未定肿瘤 (M80000/1) Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav thymus
甲状腺动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav thyroid gland
器官、支气管和肺动态未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav trachea bronchus and lung
输尿管动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav ureter
尿道动态性质未定的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav urethra
泌尿器官动态性质未定的肿瘤,未特指 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav urinary organ unspecified
子宫动态未定肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav uterus
骨和关节软骨动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of bone & artic cart
乳房动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of breast
结缔组织和其他软组织动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of conn & oth soft tis
其他特指部位动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of oth spec sites
腹膜动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of peritoneum
腹膜后动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of retroperitoneum
皮肤动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 Neoplasm uncert or unknown behaviour of skin
肾性尿崩症[肾源性无味糖尿病] Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
其他药物、生物制品引起的肾病变 Nephropathy induc by other drugs meds and biolog subs
重金属诱发肾病变 Nephropathy induced by heavy metals
肾变病综合征,密集沉淀物病 Nephrotic syndrome dense deposit disease
弥漫性膜性肾小球肾炎 Nephrotic syndrome diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis