膀胱三角区恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of bladder睾丸未降恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis
上牙龈恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper gum
上肢恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper limb
上唇(内)口腔面恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip inner aspect
肺上叶恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus or lung
上呼吸道恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract part unsp
食管上段恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus
乳房上内象限恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of breast
乳房上外象限恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of breast
脐尿管恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of urachus
输尿管恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of ureter
输尿管口恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice
尿道恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of urethra
泌尿系统(器官)恶性肿瘤 NOS Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ unspecified
子宫附件恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa unsp
子宫恶性肿瘤 NOS Malignant neoplasm of uterus part unspecified
悬雍垂恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of uvula
阴道恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of vagina
会厌谷恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of vallecula
舌腹面恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue
脊柱恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column
口前庭恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth
外阴恶性肿瘤,未特指 Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified
瓦尔代尔扁桃体环恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer‘s ring
其他特指的肝癌 Malignant neoplasm oth spec carcinomas of liver
肝肉瘤 (M88000/3) Malignant neoplasm other sarcomas of liver
四肢的骨和关节软骨交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlap les bone and artic cart of limbs
口的其他和未特指部位的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlap les of oth & unsp part of mouth
骨和关节软骨交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlap lesion bon and articular cart
结缔组织和软组织交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlap lesion connective & soft tiss
呼吸和胸腔内器官交搭跨越的损害 Malignant neoplasm overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs
不明部位的交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlap lesion oth & ill-defined sites
副鼻窦交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion accessory sinuses
脑和中枢神经系统其他部位交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion brain&other part CNS
眼和附器交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion eye and adnexa
女性生殖器官交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion female genital organs
男性生殖器官交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion male genital orgs
胆道交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of biliary tract
膀胱交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of bladder
乳房交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of breast
宫颈交搭跨越的恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of cervix uteri