为子宫颈机能不全给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for cervical incompetence为复合先露异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for compound presentation
为子宫先天性畸形给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for congenital malformation of uterus
为由于脑积水胎儿引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for disproportion due to hydrocephalic fetus
为由于特大胎儿引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for disproportion due to unusually large fetus
为由于其他原因引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for disproportion of other origin
胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 NOS Maternal care for disproportion unspecified
为胎儿过度生长给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth
为面先露、额先露和颏先露产式给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for face brow and chin presentation
为胎儿问题给予的孕产妇医疗 NOS Maternal care for fetal problem unspecified
为足月头高给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for high head at term
为胎儿水肿给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for hydrops fetalis
为胎死宫内给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for intrauterine death
为胎儿先露异常给予的孕产妇医疗 NOS Maternal care for malpresentation of fetus unspecified
为子宫颈机其他异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for other abnormalities of cervix
为妊娠子宫机其他异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for other abnormalities of gravid uterus
为盆腔器官其他异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for other abnormalities of pelvic organs
为ABO同种免疫给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for other isoimmunization
其他为胎儿先露异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for other malpresentation of fetus
为其他特指的胎儿问题给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for other specified fetal problems
为胎儿生长不良给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for poor fetal growth
为RH因子同种免疫给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for rhesus isoimmunization
为胎儿缺氧给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for signs of fetal hypoxia
为横产式和斜产式给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for transverse and oblique lie
为宫体肿瘤给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for tumour of corpus uteri
为不稳定产式给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for unstable lie
为腹腔妊娠中能活胎儿给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for viable fetus in abdominal pregnancy
产程和分娩期间母体窘迫 Maternal distress during labour and delivery
孕产妇低血压综合征 Maternal hypotension syndrome
麻疹后脑炎、脊髓炎或脑脊髓炎 Measles complicated by encephalitis
麻疹并发脑膜炎 Measles complicated by meningitis
麻疹后中耳炎 Measles complicated by otitis media
麻疹合并肺炎 Measles complicated by pneumonia
麻疹伴有肠的并发症 Measles with intestinal complications
麻疹,伴有其他并发症 Measles with other complications
麻疹,不伴有并发症 Measles without complication
胃肠道假体装置、植入物和移植物的机械性并发症 Mech comp gastrointestinal prosth devs implants & grafts
神经系统电子刺激器的机械性并发症 Mech comp implanted electronic stimulator of nervous system
肢骨内部固定装置的机械性并发症 Mech comp of internal fixation device of bones of limb
脑室颅内(交通)分流的机械性并发症 Mech comp of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt
其他内部矫形外科装置、植入物和移植物的机械性并发症 Mech comp oth internal orthopaedic devs implants & grafts
角膜移植物引起的机械性并发症 Mech comp oth ocular prosthetic devs implants & grafts