婴儿脂溢性皮炎 Infective pericarditis未特指的病虫侵染 Infestation unspecified
精索、髓鞘和输精管炎性疾患 Inflam disorder spermatic cord tunica vaginalis and vas def
牙齿形成的障碍 Inflammation of eyelid unspecified
面部皮肤良性肿瘤 Inflammatory conditions of jaws
宫颈炎性疾病 Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri
前列腺炎性疾病,未特指 Inflammatory disease of prostate unspecified
子宫炎,未特指 Inflammatory disease of uterus unspecified
未特指的男性生殖器官的炎性疾患 Inflammatory disorder of unspecified male genital organ
乳房炎性疾患 Inflammatory disorders of breast
其他特指男性生殖器官的炎性疾患 Inflammatory disorders of other spec male genital organs
阴囊炎性疾患 Inflammatory disorders of scrotum
精囊炎性疾患 Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle
胃交界恶性肿瘤 Inflammatory liver disease unspecified
其他特指疾病 Inflammatory myopathy not elsewhere classified
炎性多关节病 Inflammatory polyarthropathy
药物性多神经病 Inflammatory polyneuropathy unspecified
脊柱炎 NOS Inflammatory spondylopathy unspecified
可充气小船(无动力的)事故引起的淹溺和沉没 Inflatable craft (nonpowered)
可充气小船(无动力的)事故引起的其他损伤 Inflatable craft (nonpowered)
可充气小船运输的非船舶事故的淹溺和沉没 Inflatable craft (nonpowered)
可充气小船非船舶事故的船上(无动力的)事故,未引起淹溺和沉没 Inflatable craft (nonpowered)
可充气小船的其他水上运输事故 Inflatable craft (nonpowered)
流行性感冒伴有其他表现,流行性感冒病毒被标明 Influenza with oth resp manifest influenza virus identified
流行性感冒伴有其他表现,流行性感冒病毒未标明 Influenza with oth resp manifestation virus not identified
病毒性肺炎伴流感 Influenza with other manifest influenza virus identified
腺病毒性肺炎 Influenza with other manifestations virus not identified
流行性感冒伴有其他呼吸道表现,流行性感冒病毒被标明 Influenza with pneumonia influenza virus identified
流行性感冒伴有其他呼吸道表现,流行性感冒病毒未标明 Influenza with pneumonia virus not identified
其他叶酸(盐)缺乏性贫血 Ingrowing nail
吸入性麻醉药物引起的有害效应 Inhaled anaesthetics
枕骨裂脑露畸形 Iniencephaly
雅司病初发损害 Initial lesions of yaws
初期沙眼 Initial stage of trachoma
脑和颅神经损伤,伴有颈水平的神经和脊髓损伤 Inj brain and cran n with inj nerv and spinal cord neck lev
腕和手水平其他手指伸肌和肌腱损伤 Inj exten muscl and tendon oth fing at wrist and hand level
腕和手水平的拇指伸肌和肌腱损伤 Inj exten muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level
前臂水平的其他手指伸肌和肌腱损伤 Inj extens muscle and tendon oth finger(s) at forearm level
前臂水平的拇指伸肌或屈肌和肌腱损伤 Inj extens or abduct muscle and tendon thumb at forearm lev
腕和手水平的其他手指屈肌和肌腱损伤 Inj flex muscl and tendon oth finger at wrist and hand level
胸内器官并伴有腹内和骨盆器官的损伤 Inj intrathoracic organ with intra-abdominal and pelvic orgs
腕和手水平的其他手指内在肌和肌腱损伤 Inj intrins muscl and tendon oth fing at wrist and hand lev