急性胃扩张 Glaucoma unspecified累计免疫机制的血液疾病和疾患引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disord blood dis and disord invol immune mech
分类于他处的传染病和寄生虫病引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disord in infect & parasit dis classif elsewhere
其他内分泌、营养和代谢疾病引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disorder in oth endocrin nutrition and metab dis
糖尿病引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus
肿瘤性疾病引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disorders in neopastic diseases
分类于他处的其他疾病引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
系统性结缔组织疾患引起的肾小球疾患 Glomerular disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders
乳房良性肿瘤 Glossitis
子宫多发性平滑肌瘤 (M88900/0) Glossodynia
糖皮质甾类引起的有害效应 Glucocorticoids and synthetic analogues
臀肌腱炎 Gluteal tendinitis
糖原贮积病 Glycogen storage disease
葡萄糖尿 Glycosuria
GM2神经节苷脂沉积症 GM2 gangliosidosis
颚口线虫病 Gnathostomiasis
膝关节病 NOS Gonarthrosis unspecified
淋病性粘液囊炎 Gonococcal bursitis
肛门和直肠淋球菌感染 Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum
眼淋球菌感染 Gonococcal infection of eye
肌肉骨骼系统淋球菌感染 Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system
未特指的淋球菌感染 Gonococcal infection unspecified
淋球菌性盆腔腹膜炎和其他泌尿生殖道淋球菌感染 Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal GU inf
交感或副交感神经及神经良性肿瘤 Gonococcal peritonitis
淋球菌性咽炎 Gonococcal pharyngitis
淋病并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Gonorrhoea comp pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium
慢性再生障碍性贫血 Gottron‘s papules
神功能损害引起的痛风 Gout due to impairment of renal function
痛风,未特指 Gout unspecified
由于酶缺乏和其他溃疡疾患引起的痛风性关及眼 Gouty arthropathy due enzym defect and oth inherit disorder
癫痫小发作 NOS Grand mal seizures unspecified (with or without petit mal)
癫痫小发作状态 Grand mal status epilepticus
良性叶状囊肉瘤 (M90200/0) Granuloma and granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa
戴蒙德-布菜克芬贫血[先天性再生不良性贫血] Granuloma annulare
全血细胞减少症伴有畸形 Granuloma faciale [eosinophilic granuloma of skin]
腹股沟肉芽肿 (溃疡性) Granuloma inguinale
中毒性贫血 Granulomatous disorder of skin and subcut tissue unspec
咽动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Granulomatous hepatitis not elsewhere classified
肺铁未沉着病[阿尔克-韦尔法氏肺] Graphite fibrosis (of lung)
浆液性神经病 Guillain-Barre syndrome
雅司病的树胶肿和溃疡 Gummata and ulcers of yaws
腹膜交界恶性肿瘤 Guttate psoriasis