其他和未特指的内分泌腺良性肿瘤 Enteroptosis肠毒性大肠埃希氏菌肠炎 Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection
肠病毒脑炎、脊髓炎或脑脊髓炎 Enteroviral encephalitis
肠病毒性发疹热(波士顿疹病) Enteroviral exanthematous fever [Boston exanthem]
肠病毒性脑膜炎 Enteroviral meningitis
肠病毒性水疱性咽炎 Enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis
手足口病 Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem
肠病毒作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Enterovirus as cause diseases classified to other chapt
未特指的肠病毒感染 Enterovirus infection unspecified
下肢肌腱端病 NOS Enthesopathy of lower limb unspecified
肌腱端病 NOS Enthesopathy unspecified
遗传性牙结构紊乱 Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid
新生儿环境性高温 Environmental hyperthermia of newborn
环境污染相关情况 Environmental-pollution-related condition
酶类药引起的有害效应,NEC Enzymes not elsewhere classified
嗜酸细胞增多症 Eosinophilia
疾病引起的继发性铁粒幼红细胞性贫血 Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells]
产伤引起的颅骨腱膜下出血 Epicranial subaponeurotic haemorrhage due to birth injury
由于普氏立克体次氏体引起的流行性蚤媒介的斑疹伤寒 Epidem louse-borne typh fev due Rickettsia prowazekii
流行性肌痛 Epidemic myalgia
流行性眩晕 Epidemic vertigo
遗传性球形红细胞增多 Epidermal cyst
戴克-杨型(继发性)(症状性)贫血 Epidermal thickening unspecified
营养不良性大疱性表皮松解 Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
致死性大疱性表皮松解 Epidermolysis bullosa letalis
单纯性大疱性表皮松解 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
大疱性表皮松解 NOS Epidermolysis bullosa unspecified
硬膜外血肿 Epidural haemorrhage
癫痫大发作状态 Epilepsy unspecified
牙齿的过度磨耗 Epiphora
骨骺生长停止 Epiphyseal arrest
全身性疾病引起的牙齿脱落 Episcleritis
尿道上裂 Epispadias
鼻出血(鼻衄) Epistaxis
产伤引起的埃尔布麻痹[迪谢纳] Erb‘s paralysis due to birth injury
宫颈糜烂和外翻 Erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri
胸壁结缔组织良性肿瘤 Erosion of teeth
侵蚀性(骨)关节病 Erosive (osteo)arthrosis
丹毒 Erysipelas
类丹毒 NOS Erysipeloid unspecified
丹毒菌丝败血病 Erysipelothrix septicaemia
营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血 Erythema ab igne [dermatitis ab igne]