黑色发结节病 Black piedra膀胱疾患,未特指 Bladder disorder unspecified
分类于他处的其他疾病引起的膀胱疾患 Bladder disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
膀胱颈梗阻[马里恩氏病] Bladder-neck obstruction
芽生菌病(酿母菌病) NOS Blastomycosis unspecified
额外牙 Blepharitis
牙齿发育的其他疾患 Blepharochalasis
其他牙周疾病 Blepharoconjunctivitis
其他肌张力障碍 Blepharospasm
萎缩卵和非葡萄胎 Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole
子宫内膜交界恶性肿瘤 Blind loop syndrome not elsewhere classified
肠血管疾患,未特指 Blindness both eyes
无力性肠梗阻 Blindness one eye
胆石性肠梗阻 Blindness one eye
血中酒精水平在100-119毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 100-119 mg/100 ml
血中酒精水平在120-199毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 120-199 mg/100 ml
血中酒精水平在200-239毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 200-239 mg/100 ml
血中酒精水平在20-39毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 20-39 mg/100 ml
血中酒精水平在240毫克/100毫升或以上 Blood alcohol level of 240 mg/100 ml or more
血中酒精水平在40-59毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 40-59 mg/100 ml
血中酒精水平在60-79毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 60-79 mg/100 ml
血中酒精水平在80-99毫克/100毫升 Blood alcohol level of 80-99 mg/100 ml
未特指损伤的晚期效应 Blood alcohol level of less than 20 mg/100 ml
供血者 Blood donor
无诊断报告的输血的医疗照顾 Blood transfusion without reported diagnosis
接受血中酒精和血中药物检查 Blood-alcohol and blood-drug test
血液采样的异常反应 Blood-sampling
蓝色巩膜 Blue sclera
雅司病的骨和关节损害 Bone and joint lesions of yaws
自愿供骨者 Bone donor
供骨髓者 Bone marrow donor ;
骨移植状态 Bone transplant status
骨髓移植排斥 Bone-marrow transplant rejection
近瘤型中间型麻风 Borderline lepromatous leprosy
中间型麻风 Borderline leprosy
近结核样型中间型麻风 Borderline tuberculoid leprosy
肉毒中毒 Botulism
沙尔结节(伴关节病) Bouchard‘s nodes (with arthropathy)
腰骶丛损害 Brachial plexus disorders
窦性心动过缓 Bradycardia unspecified
小脑中风发作综合症 Brain stem stroke syndrome
脑瘤 (M80006/1) NOS Brazilian pemphigus [fogo selvagem]