肛门皮肤良性肿瘤 Abscess of salivary gland脾脓肿 Abscess of spleen
肌腱脓肿 Abscess of tendon sheath
胸腺脓肿 Abscess of thymus
外阴脓肿 Abscess of vulva
先天性泪腺缺失或发育不全 Absence and agenesis of lacrimal apparatus
先天性睾丸发育不全、缺失 Absence and aplasia of testis
无咽鼓管 Absence of eustachian tube
家庭成员缺乏的问题 Absence of family member
先天性虹膜缺损 Absence of iris
无乳头 Absent nipple
与生理紊乱和躯体因素有关的未特指的行为综合征 Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances
棘阿米巴病 Acanthamoebiasis
甲状腺动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Acantholytic disorder unspecified
溶血性机械性贫血 Acanthosis nigricans
个性品质增强的问题 Accentuation of personality traits
多耳畸形 Accessory auricle
副乳增生 Accessory breast
副指 Accessory finger(s)
双肾 Accessory kidney
副肺叶 Accessory lobe of lung
副乳头 Accessory nipple
副拇指 Accessory thumb(s)
副趾 Accessory toe(s)
有固定机翼的商用飞机事故,伤及乘员 Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft inj‘g occup‘t
其他有固定机翼的私人飞机事故,伤及乘员 Accident to oth private fixed-wing aircraft inj‘g occup‘t
独木舟或爱斯基摩皮艇事故引起的其他损伤 Accident to watercraft causing other injury canoe or kayak
渔船事故引起的其他损伤 Accident to watercraft causing other injury fishing boat
商船事故引起的其他损伤 Accident to watercraft causing other injury merchant ship
客轮(渡轮)(邮轮)事故引起的其他损伤 Accident to watercraft causing other injury passenger ship
帆船(赛艇)事故引起的其他损伤 Accident to watercraft causing other injury sailboat
滑水板事故引起的其他损伤 Accident to watercraft causing other injury water-skis
术中穿孔或裂伤 NEC Accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure NEC
社会移居者的问题 Acculturation difficulty
丙酮尿(症) Acetonuria
纳博特腺(滤泡)良性肿瘤 Achalasia of cardia
跟腱炎 Achilles tendinitis
软骨成长不全 Achondrogenesis
软骨发育不全 Achondroplasia
酸化剂和碱化剂药物引起的有害效应 Acidifying and alkalizing agents
Hb-SS病伴有危象 Acne conglobata
血红蛋白病Hb-S Acne excoriee des jeunes filles