尿酸代谢药类引起的有害效应 Agents affecting uric acid metabolism认识不能 Agnosia
社交恐怖 Agoraphobia
粒细胞缺乏 Agranulocytosis
再生障碍性贫血 NOS Ainhum
空气栓塞 Air embolism (traumatic)
输液、输血和治疗性注射后的血栓栓塞 Air embolism following infusion transfusion & therap inject
由于其他有机粉尘引起的过敏性肺炎 Air-conditioner and humidifier lung
发霉干草病 Airway disease due to other specific organic dusts
白化病 Albinism
酒滥用的咨询和监督 Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance
解酒药引起的有害效应 Alcohol deterrents
其他未特指的酒精中毒 Alcohol involvement not otherwise specified
酒精康复 Alcohol rehabilitation
饮酒的问题 Alcohol use
牛皮癣 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
颊部良性肿瘤 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
头部良性肿瘤 Alcoholic fatty liver
颌下良性肿瘤 Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver
尿道旁腺良性肿瘤 Alcoholic gastritis
面部良性肿瘤 Alcoholic hepatic failure
颞部良性肿瘤 Alcoholic hepatitis
颈部良性肿瘤 Alcoholic liver disease unspecified
中毒性肌病 Alcoholic myopathy
其他有毒物质引起的多神经病 Alcoholic polyneuropathy
鼻腔交界恶性肿瘤 Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
醇诱发的假库欣[柯兴]综合征 Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing‘s syndrome
痛性神经营养不良 Algoneurodystrophy
混合型酸碱平衡失调 Alkalosis
顶叶良性肿瘤 Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis
顽固性贫血伴有铁粒幼细胞 (M99820/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin
真性红细胞增多症 Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives
顽固性贫血不伴有铁粒幼细胞 (M99810/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics
顽固性贫血伴有胚细胞过多 (M99830/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes
难治性贫血 (M99800/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin
真性红细胞增多[症][奥斯勒-瓦凯氏病](M99500/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to metals
骨髓增生异常综合征 (M99890/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents
顽固性贫血伴有转化中的胚细胞过多 (M99840/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products
其他骨髓增生异常综合征 (M99890/1) Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants except food
白血病前期(综合征) (M99890/1) Allergic contact dermatitis unspecified cause
过敏性紫癜 Allergic purpura