重复定位精度 repeatability(positioning precision)反复型机器人 repeatable robot
代表性 representativeness
重现性 reproducibility
复闭压力 reseat pressure(hydraulic)
复闭压力 reseat pressure(pneumatic)
油箱 reservoir
箱用过滤器 reservoir type filter
复置 reset
归零 reset
复置线圈 reset coil
复置脉波 reset pulse
记忆装置归零 reset store contents
残压 residual pressure
电阻温度计 resistance thermometer
电阻式转换器 resistive transducer
电阻器 resistor
解析度 resolution
解析度,解像度 resolution
资源需求规划 resource requirements planning
响应 response
反应时间 response time
阀之反应时间 response time of valve
静止 rest
节流器 restriction,restrictor(hydraulic)
节流器 restriction,restrictor(pneumatic)
永久记忆 retentive memory
提取命令 retrieve command
检索式制成规划 retrive-type process planning
功铳艨═坏璊洹@用 retroactions between function blocks
逆向 reverse
臂之旋转 revolution of the arm
手之旋转 revolution of the hand,swivel of the hand
雷诺数 Reynolds number
变阻器 rheostat
融磊成长 rheotaxial growth
跨式堆高机 rider type stacker
右 right
臂之左右移动 right-left traverse of the arm
臂之左右转动 right-left turning of the arm, rotation of the arm
环状网络 ring network
振铃效应 ringing