反向演译 back annotation欠拨 back order
背压感测器 back pressure sensor
背压 back pressure(hydraulic)
背压 back pressure(pneumatic)
背隙,空档 backlash
背隙 backlash
备用档 backup file
反向 backward
逆向搜寻程式端始 backward search for beginning of program
逆向搜寻节(序)号 backward search for block(sequence)number
逆向搜寻特定数据 backward search for particular data
逆向搜寻程式对准机能 backward search for program alignment function
带逆卷 backward type wind without data read(WO)
平衡电驿 balance relay
球阀 ball valve
频带通 band pass
带型列印机 band printer
频带压抑 band stop
频带宽 bandwidth
底座 base
基底线 base line
脉波基底延续时间 base line dwell time
基本码 basic code
整批处理 batch processing
批量 batch quantity
电池 battery
电池充电器 battery charger
梁形引线 beam lead
拍 beats
贝克门温度计 Beckman thermometer
程式开始 beginning of program,program start
电铃 bell
伸缩囊 bellow
折迭袋 bellows
折迭式气压缸 bellows(pneumatic)cylinder
伸缩囊型差压 bellow-type differential pressure meter
定标(评效) benchmark"
手之摆 bending of the hand,swing of the hand
斜轴活塞泵 bent axis type axial piston pump
双向脉波列 bidirectional pulse train
物料表 bill of material
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