道尔顿制 Dalton plan暗适应 darkness apaptation
资料分析 data analysis
资料库 data bases
资料处理 data processing
资料处理机 data processor
日间部,日校 day school
十倍 deca
分权制 decentralization
十进分类 decimal classification
决策,决定 decision making
决策理论 decision theory
决定架构 decision trees
人类环境宣言 Declaration on the Human Environment
译码,解码 decoding
演译 decuction
演译法 deductive method
冷冻 deep reeze
防卫机制,防卫作用,防卫方式 defense mechanism
防卫反应 defense reaction
防卫反射 defense reflex
定义 definition
非人性化 dehumanization
延宕制约 delay conditioning
延宕回馈技术 delay in feedback techniques
延宕保留效应 delay iretention effect
延宕听觉回馈 delayed auditory feedback
怀德术 Delphi method
妄想 delusion
人口统计学 demography
演示 demonstration
示范教师 demonstration teacher
密度 density
示范矩阵 density matrix
牙科学 dentistry
牙科医师 dentistry
系主任 department chairman
农业部 department of agriculture
视听教学学系 department of audiovisual nstruction
生物学系 department of biology
化学工程学系 department of chemical eagineering
化学学系 department of chemistry
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