挡渣坝 dam挡渣口浇桶 dam type lip ladle
挡板 damper
制震能 damping capacity
烧博灰,吸湿灰 daub
火砖灰修补 daubing
压铸,刚模铸造 de cast
烧僵,僵烧 dead burning
僵土 dead clay
冒口 dead head
极软钢 dead soft steel
脱碳 decarburization
砂心清砂 decoring
除尘 dedusting
深蚀 deep etching
铸疵 defect test
铸疵试验 defect test
挠度,挠曲 deflection
挠度试验 deflection test
变形 deformation
除气 degasification
除气剂 degasifier
除气 degasifying
除气 degassing
除气退火 degassing anneal
除气熔剂 degassing flux
除氢,脱氢 degassing of fydrogen
除脂 degreasing
碱度(炉渣) degree of basicity
自由度 degree of freedom
成熟度 degree of normality
纯度 degree of purity
捣紧度,槌紧 度 degree of ramming
锈蚀度 degree of rustin
饱和度 degree of saturation
过热度 degree of superheat
膨胀度 degree of swelling
除湿 dehumidification
除湿器 dehumidifier
除湿,脱水,干燥 dehydration
空气除湿 dehydration of air
干燥,干燥剂 dehydrator
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