经纬仪测量 Theodolite surveying中央望远镜式经纬仪 Theodolite with central telescope
侧方望远镜式经纬仪 Theodolite with excentric telescope
直线望远镜式经纬仪 Theodolite with linear telescope
屈线镜式经纬仪 Theodolite with prism
演化论 Theory of evolution
土地纯收益说 Theory of financial rotation
森林纯收益说 Theory of highest income
纯收益说 Theory of the highest netrevenue
定温器 Thermostat
整温式凝汽瓣 Thermostatic trap
趋热性 Thermotropism
夏生一年植物 Therophytes
厚板 Thick boards
丛薄 Thicket
厚膜的 Thick-walled
铜法人造丝制造法 Thiele process
薄板 Thin boards
疏植 Thin planting
疏林地 Thin stocked land
疏郁闭,疏植 Thinly stocked
疏伐 Thinning
上层疏伐 Thinning from above
下层疏伐 Thinning from below
下层疏伐 Thinning in the lower story
上层疏伐 Thinning in the upper story
疏伐计划 Thinning-plan
第三代上木 Third class standard
三分点荷重 Third point loading
枝刺 Thorn
火剌 thorn (Pyracantha coccinea)
种子绝对重量 Thousand grain weight
三方式循环 Three way circulation
茂盛 Thriftiness
主伐木 Thriving tree
穿式桥 Through-bridge
雄蕊 Thrum
画眉 Thrush
侧柏属 Thuja
侧柏油 Thujone
电状皱纹 Thunder-shake
刺榛 Tibetan hazel (Corylus tibetica, Batal.)