肉食类昆虫一种 Scarab(Carabus granulatus)同scarab Scarabee
橙红色毒茸 Scarlet fly-cap(Amanita muscaria L.)
红糖槭 Scarlet maple (Acer rubrum, Linn.)
猩红栎 Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea, Munchh.)
美丽桉树 Scarlet-flowered gum (Eucalyptus ficifolia, F. Muell.)
散生的混交林 Scattered mixed forest
孤立林分 Scattering stand
香杨 Scented poplar (Populus balsamifera L.)
森林区分计画 Scheme of division
离果 Schizocarp
离生脂沟 Schizogenous duct
分离崩坏脂沟 Schizo-lysigenous duct
接穗 Scion
阴性植物 Sciophytes
厚膜组织 Sclerenchyma
鞘叶植物 Sclerophyllous plant
菌之结实体 Sclerotium
花楸树 Scorb(Sorbus)
同Mountain-elm Scotch elm
同European larch Scotch larch
欧洲赤松 Scotch pine(Pinus silvestris L.)
同Baltic pine Scots pine
削皮器 Scratcher
选别机 Screen
螺钉 Screw spike
绞盘 Screw-jack
螺旋压榨法 Screw-press process
螺丝 Screw-thread
螺旋楔 Screw-wedge
圆材材机表(美国太平洋沿岸用) Scribner log scale
弹锯 Scroll saw
威忌州松 Scrub pine (Pinus virginiana L.)
沙棘 Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides, Linn.)
纵纹抗剪强 Searing-strength of wood along the grain
苦蓝盘 Seaside clerodendron (Clerodendron inerme, Gaertn.)
海滩赤杨 Seaside-alder (Alnus maritima, Muehl.)
集材季节 Season for clearing
植树季节 Season for planting
季节性景色 Seasonal aspect
季节性增加量 Seasonal increment
立木季节含水率 Seasonal water contents of living trees