同Resin acid Resinol acid树脂酸 Resinolic acid
树脂酸树脂 Resinolic acid resin
树脂假导管 Resinous tracheid
树脂材 Resinous wood
树脂采集器 Resin-tapper
抵抗性 Resistance
共鸣材 Resonance wood
呼吸作用 Respiration
呼吸根 Respiratory root
反应 Response
修眠期 Rest period
撑壁 Restaining wall
修眠芽 Resting-bud
越冬孢子,修眠孢子 Resting-spore
林木繁殖法,造林法 Restocking
荒地复旧 Restoration of waste land
被压木 Retarded tree
国有林保存学说 Retention of state forest
网状穿孔 Reticulate perforation
网纹导管 Reticulate vessel
干馏釜 Retort
逆读游尺 Retrograde vernier
植物社会退化 Retrogression of succession
主收益,主伐收益,伐期收益 Return from final clearing
疏伐收益 Return from thinning
回复凝汽瓣 Return trap
收入,收益 Revenue
材内殭化 Reverse casehardening
逆歪 Reverse strain
逆作用螺旋 Reverse-acting spiral
逆空气循环 Reversing air circulation
土堡壁,撑壁 Revetment-wall
检 Revision on the record
检订 Revision"
旋转打号槌 Revolving die-hammer
鼠李属 Rhamnus
浮游性 Rheotaxis
根茎 Rhizome
地下茎更新 Rhizome-wood regeneration
根状菌丝束 Rhizomorpha
斜方晶系 Rhombic system