收入最高之轮伐期 Rotation of the highest income腐朽菌 Rot-fungus
朽节 Rotten knot
条腐 Rotten streak
粗皮 Rough bark
粗型 Rough cast
粗糙木理 Rough grain
粗材 Rough log
粗石 Rough stone
粗披 Rough-hew
小圆材 Round billet
小圆材 Round billet wood
圆节 Round knot
圆金柑 Round kumquat (Fortunella japonica, Swingle.)
圆材 Round timber
天牛 Round-headed borer
括约 Rounding (=Rounding off )
圆材 Round-log
行植 Row planting
同mountain ash Rowan-tree
同Flame tree Royal poinciana
橡胶 Rubber
粗石工 Rubble masonry
粗石铺工 Rubble -pavement
空细胞法 Rueping process
折合接 Ruffed joint
玫瑰 Rugosa(Rosa rugosa, Thunb.)
滥伐 Ruinous exploitation
林警规程 Rules of forest-police
支配木,优势木 Ruling stem
匍匐枝 Runner
装卸扔{ Running
锈病 Rust disease
锈菌类 Rust-fungi
锈病菌,锈菌 Rust-fungus
被雨板,檐板 Rustic siding
锌与木焦油注入法 Rutger‘s process
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