沥青 Pitch脂囊 Pitch pocket
树脂囊 Pitch pocket
树脂沟 Pitch seams
脂斑纹,脂条 Pitch streak
树脂斑纹 Pitch streaks
脂松 Pitch-pine (Pinus rigida, Mill.)
陷阱 Pitfall
髓,髓心 Pith
髓斑 Pith fleck
通脱木 Pith paper plant (Tetrapanax papyrifera, Koch.)
髓线斑 Pith ray fleck
髓线,辐射线 Pith-ray
穴 (坑)植 Pit-planting
坑柱 Pit-prop
长锯 Pit-saw
孔纹穿孔 Pitted perforation
孔纹导管 Pitted vessel
漆器材 Plain wood of lacquerware
弦断面的 Plain-sawed
弦面板,平纹板 Plain-sawed lumber
漆器用材 Plain-wood
伐采计划 Plan of cutting
伐采计划 Plan of fellings
施业计划 Plan of management
副产物收获计划 Plan of utilizing the minor products
刨 Plane
造林预定计划 Plane of formation and regeneration of woods
平板 Plane table
平板测量 Plane table surveying
美国梧桐,悬铃树 Plane tree (Platanus occidentalis, L.)
刨床 Plane-castes
刨子 Plane-iron
刨机 Planer
平面测量学 Plane-serveying
测面器,求积仪 Planimeter
刨机 Planing-machine
厚板 Plank board
板滑道 Plank-slide
刨机 Planning machine
植物羣丛 Plant association
植物色素 Plant colouringmatters