内部应力 Internal stress隔壁 Internal wall
节间 Internode
郁闭破坏 Interruption of the canopy
交切点 Intersection point
州际公园 Interstate park
导管间纹孔 Intervessel pit
需光度 Intolerance of shade
阳性的 Intolerant
阳性树 Intolerant tree
分子间呼吸 Intramolecular respiration
同internal phloem Intraxylary phloem
侵入 Invasion
灌木侵入 Invasion of heather
地况调查 Investigation of locality
林况调查 Investigation of standconditions
内流涡轮 Inward flow turbine
太平洋铁木 Ipil (Intsia bijuga, O. Kze.)
重量法(种子发芽) Irish method
醋酸铁 Iron acetate
捕兽铗 Iron trap
铁木 Ironwood(1. Carpinus caroliniana, Wald.2. Ostrya virginiana, Wild.)
异龄林 Irregular forest
散生林地 Irregularly stocked open woodtract
浸润法,灌溉法 Irrigation
刺激,感应 Irritability
等雨量线 Isohyet
解除伐 Isolation
异戊二烯 Isoprene
等速曲线 Isotache
小黄馨 Italian jasmine (Jasminum humile, Linn.)
橡扣树(象牙椰子) Ivory nut palm (Coelococcus carolinensis, Dingl.)
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