指林木 Indicating wood指标植物羣 Indicator vegetation
无关系种 Indifferent
原产的 Indigenous
蓝靛 Indigo
青蓝 Indigotin
间接因子 Indirect factor
森林间接效用 Indirect utiliy of forest
个体 Individual
个体的产地 Individual habitat
林分经济法 Individualizing methods
室内天然干燥 In-door seasoning
接种,传染 Infection
次等林木 Inferior stand
燃着性 Inflammability
花序 Inflorescence
花芽 Inflorescence-bud
漏斗形的 Infundibular
漏斗形 Infundibuliform
浸渍法 Infusion method
接枝,接木 Ingraftment
遗传 Inheritance
初期投资 Initial investment
原始髓线 Initial ray
原始期 Initial stage
森林害兽 Injurious beast of forest
森林害鸟 Injurious bird of forest
森林害虫 Injurious forest-insect
霜害 Injury by frost
雹害 Injury by hail
内陆砂 Inland-sand
镶嵌木工 Inlayed work
镶嵌锯 Inlaying saw
内皮 Inner bark
纹孔内隙 Inner pit aperture
木材向心面 Innersurface of wood
接种法,注射法 Inoculation
虫害 Insect pest
杀虫剂 Insecticide
捕虫黐 Insect-paste
捕虫沟,诱杀沟 Insect-trench
插入齿(锯) Inserted tooth