羽状纹 Feather crotch同Bracted fir Feather-cone fir
同Feather-cone Feather-cone Red Fir
填缺接 Feather-joint
受精 Fecundation
国有林 Federal forest
推进 Feed
推送轴 Feed roll
送材装置(锯机) Feeding apparatus
给水沟 Feeding-cannal
伐采木 Felled tree
伐木 Felling
伐区,伐采面积 Felling area
标准伐采量 Felling budget
择伐循环期 Felling cycle
划伐 Felling for group system
伞伐 Felling for shelter wood system
标准木之伐采 Felling of sample trees
伐木 Felling operation
伐采地点 Felling section
择伐 Felling under selection system
围伐 Felling with axe
伐采龄 Felling-age
伐木斧 Felling-axe
伐采时期 Felling-period
伐采计画 Felling-plan
伐采簿 Felling-register
伐木道 Felling-road
伐木规则 Felling-rule
伐采季节 Felling-season
伐采列区 Felling-series
辋 Felloe
辋 Felly
径断面 Felt grain
择伐作业 Femel system
划伐林 Femel-cutting forest
划伐作业 Femel-cutting system
湿地 Fen
栅栏,篱垣 Fence
防雪栅 Fence for protection against avalanches
小茴香油 Fennel oil
酵母 Ferment