同Free moisture Free water枝稀度 Freedom from branches
树冠修整 Free-setting the crown
砌石工 Free-stone-masonry
自由疏伐 Free-thinning
冻害 Freeze
同Cottonwood Fremont cottonwood
上层疏伐 French method of thinning
繁荣度 Frequency
稍多 Frequent
适润 Fresh
新伐 Fresh cut
适润地 Fresh soil
吸气口 Fresh-air inlet
镶嵌用锯 Fret-saw
摩擦系数 Friction coefficient
连续推进 Friction feeding
连续齿轮 Friction-gearing
制动杆 Friction-lever
铜法人造丝制造法 Fridrich process
寒带林 Frigid forest-region
霜 Frost
冻伤 Frost bite
霜瘤 Frost-canker
霜裂 Frost-cleft
冻裂,霜裂 Frost-crack
冻裂的 Frost-cracked
耐寒性的 Frost-hardy
霜(冻)穴,霜(冻)孔 Frost-hole
霜(冻)穴 Frost-hollow
霜害 Frost-injury
冻拔 Frost-lifting
多霜地 Frost-locality
耐寒力 Frost-resisting power
冻肿 Frost-rib
冻轮 Frost-ring
霜棚 Frost-shed
霜裂 Frost-split
易罹霜害的 Frost-tender
霜带 Frosty-zone
受精 Fructification
果树 Fruit tree