瘤状 Excrescence瘤节 Excrescence burl
排气管 Exhaust pipe
废汽 Exhaust steam
土地耗损 Exhaustion of soil
外皮 Exodermis
放热反应 Exothermic reaction
外生菌根 Exotrophic mycorrhiza
膨胀 Expansion
伸缩缝 Expansion-joint
期望价 Expectation value
森林期望价 Expectation value of forest
法正蓄积期望价 Expectation value of normal growing stock
土地期望价 Expectation value of soil
林木期望价 Expectation value of stand
单独林森林期望价 Expectation-value of forest of a single stand
法正作业级之森林期望价 Expectation-value of forest of normal working section
林木期望价 Expectation-value of the growing-stock of a single wood
管理费 Expense for administration
林木采收费 Expense of harvesting and of collection of revenue
试验区 Experimental area
试验区 Experimental plot
试验场 Experiment-station
利用度 Exploitability
可开发的 Exploitable
经济的利用龄,伐期龄 Exploitable age
利用,作业,经营 Exploitation
经济的利用林 Exploitation-forest
输出标准程序 Export standard schedule
运输道路 Export-road
方位 Exposure
收用 Expropriation
环外纹孔 Extended pit aperture
延长管 Extension-tube
林业经理之范围 Extent of forest management
外燃机 External combustion engine
球果脱粒 Extracting seeds from cone
溶提法,除伐 Extraction
引拔伐 Extraction of old trees from young woods
掘根 Extraction of stumps
溶提器 Extractor
额外伐采 Extra-cutting