基本施业案 Detail plan说明书 Detailed account
制材 Detailed conversion of wood
凋萎 Deterioration
采伐预定 Determination of cut
收额预定法 Determination and regulation of the yield
后价算定 Determination of future value
保安林决定法 Determination of protection forests
地位查定 Determination of the quality of locality
求积法 Determination of volume
直径级求积法 Determination of volume by means of diameter-classes
树高级求级法 Determination of volume by means of height-classes
标准地求积法 Determination of volume by means of sample-plots
树木求积法 Determination of volume of tree
林分材积测定法 Determination of volume of whole woods
伐采量测定法 Determination of yield
雷管 Detonator
圆锥砂砾堆 Detrital cone
荒废 Devastation
虫害荒废 Devastation by insect
露点 Dew point
露点调节 Dew point control
斜材 Diagonal
对角线状木理 Diagonal grain
根端直径 Diameter at butt end
目高直径(略写D. E. H. ) Diameter at height of the eye
梢端直径 Diameter at small end
梢端直径 Diameter at top end
胸高直径 (D. B. H.) Diameter breast high
直径级 Diameter class
直径因子 Diameter factor
直径阶 Diameter grade
直径生长 Diameter growth
中央木直径 Diameter of mean sample-tree
直径约数 Diameter rounding
直径级法 Diameter-classes method
轮尺 Diameter-gauge
直径生长 Diameter-increment
直径生长率 Diameter-increment percent
直径卷尺 Diameter-tape
菱形,对角线状 Diamond ding
隔膜 Diaphragm