静荷重 Dead load洛艉 Dead standing tree
沈材,沈木 Dead-wood
铺板 Deal
小型框锯 Deal frame-saw
粉茶柱虫 Death watch
玉子天狗茸 Death-up (Amanita phalloides Fr.)
腐朽 Decay
腐朽木 Decayed timber
多年生落叶灌木 Deciduous shrub with perennial rootstock
落叶树 Deciduous tree
上托桥 Deck-bridge
偏差 Declination
煑沸法 Decoction method
脱色炭 Decolourising carbon
脱色性 Decolourising property
分解 Decomposition
媒鸟 Decoy
横卧状,葡萄状 Decumbent
对生叶序 Decussate arrangement of leaves
深(24-36吋) Deep
深裂纹(深1/8吋以上之裂缝) Deep torn grain
土壤深度 Deepness of soil
深根的 Deep-rooted
深根性 Deep-rootedness
疵伤 Defect
木材疵伤 Defect in wood
积蓄不足 Deficiency of growing stock
明了度(定义) Definition
挠曲 Deflection
落叶的 Defoliated
落叶 Defoliation
落叶 Defolite
滥伐 Deforestation
变形 Deformation
退化 Degeneration
郁闭度 Degree of closeness
疎密度 Degree of closing
疎密度 Degree of density
纯度 Degree of purity
成熟度 Degree of ripeness
饱和度 Degree of saturation