输入中国之中方材 Chinese olive水蜡 Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense, Lour.)
绣球花 Chinese snowball (Viburnum macrocephalum, For.)
输入中国之中方材 Chinese squares
乌桕 Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum, Roxb.)
柽柳 Chinese tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis, Lour,)
凌霄花 Chinese trumpet-creeper (Campsis chinensis, Voss.)
乌桕蜡 Chinese vegetable tallow
野核桃 Chinese walnut (Juglans cathayensis, Dode.)
白蜡 Chinese wax
柏木,璎珞柏 Chinese weeping cypress (Cupr ssus funebris, Endl.)
大叶杨 Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa, Carr.)
紫藤 Chinese wistaria (Wistaria sinensis, Sweet.)
棕榈 Chinese-coir palm (Trachycarpus excelsa, Wendl.)
毛枝栗 Chinquapin (Castane pumila, Mill.)
削片 Chip
削裂 Chipped grain
横断面裂缝 Chipped grain
削片机 Chipper
木片 Chips of wood
凿齿锯 Chised tooth saw
凿 Chisel
幼芽 Chit
黄白病 Chlorosis
氯化锌法 Chlorzinc process
砍 Chop
伐木用具 Choppers tools
厚膜胞子 Chramidospore
可给含水量 Chresard
猩猩木 Christmas flower (Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd.)
染色质 Chromatin
色素体 Chromatophore
发色体 Chromogen
发色团 Chromophore
色树脂 Chromoresin
染色体 Chromosome
叶虫之一种 Chrysomel
滑道 Chute
结疤 Cicatrization
结疤 Cicatrize
树液流动时期 Ciculation-period of sap
纤毛 Ciliate