伐木,掘取,插条 Cutting伐采龄 Cutting age
伐区,伐采面 Cutting area
循环期,回归年 Cutting cycle"
泵漱鴠鼋 Cutting for dry wood
削切硬度 Cutting hardness
伐采高度 Cutting height
前伐 Cutting in advance
癌肿木伐采 Cutting of cancer trees
伐采列区,伐采顺序 Cutting series
切断试验(种子) Cutting test
伐采地 Cutting-blank
伐采计画 Cutting-plan
伐采计画图 Cutting-plan map
副产物利用计画 Cutting-plan of by-product
伞伐作业 Cuttings operated under shelter wood system
伐采列区 Cutting-section
伐采列区图 Cutting-series map
夜盗虫 Cutworm
氰酸糖原质 Cyanogenetic glucoside
圆柱体,圆筒 Cylinder
圆网机 Cylinder machine
圆网机 Cylinder shave machine
圆柱表 Cylinder table
圆柱表 Cylinders and multiple table
直干形 Cylindrical
聚伞花序 Cyme
柏类 Cypress
柏沼 Cypress Swamps
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