小枕木 Crowntree十字花科植物 Cruciferous plant
X字花 Cruciform
粗制醋酸石灰 Crude calcium acetate
粗制樟脑 Crude camphor
粗油脂 Crude fat
粗纤维 Crude fiber
原油 Crude oil
柿涩 Crude persimmon tannin
粗制碳酸钾 Crude potasium carbonate
粗蛋白质 Crude protein
粗木醋液 Crude pyroligneous acid
粗制蜡 Crude tallow
粗制蜡 Crude wax
粗木醋液 Crude wood vinegar
粗木精 Crude wood-spirit
估测 Cruise
估测者 Cruiser
屑粒状组织 Crumbled structure
雪压 Crushing by snow
抗压强 Crushing strength
横压强 Crushing strength across the grain
纵压强 Crushing strength parallel to the grain
孢子植物 Cryptogams
柳杉 Cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica,D. Don.)
地中冬芽植物 Cryptophytes
叶虫科(Chrysomelidae)昆虫 Crysomel
古巴松 Cuban pine (Pinus Cubensis, Griseb.)
黄椰子 Cuban Royal palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Wendl.)
立方材积单位 Cubic measure
立方公尺 Cubic meter
立方容积 Cubical contents
求积式 Cubing formula
鋭叶木兰 Cucumber-tree (Magnolia acuminata, L.)
选毕材 Cull-lumber
培植的风景 Cultivated landscape
开垦 Cultivation
造林费 Cultural expense
造林计画 Cultural plan
造林 Culture
培养基 Culture medium
无土苗栽植 Culture of trumcated plants