堤埧心壁 Core of dam心木薄板 Core veneer
朝鲜松,红松,海松 Corean pine (Pinus Koraiensis, Sieb, et. Zuce)
革质的 Coriaceous
木栓 Cork
栓皮栎 Cork oak (Quercus suber, L.)
栓制品 Cork products
轻木 Cork wood (Ochroma lagopus, Sw.)
洋松 Cork-barked douglas spruce (Pseudotsuga taxifolia, Britt.)
木栓板 Cork-board
木栓毡 Cork-carpet
岩榆 Cork-elm (Ulmus Thomasi, Sarg.)
栓造石 Cork-stone
同Cork oak Cork-tree
花冠 Corol
花冠 Corolla
社团林 Corporation forest
修正率 Correction factor
野溪工事 Correction of torrent
生长相关作用 Correlation of growth
横浸蚀 Corrosion
氯化汞 Corrosive sublimate
肉皮层 Cortex
伞房花序 Corymb
货物运到价格 Cost insurance and freight (略写 C. I. F.)
造林费 Cost of formation
运费 Cost of transportation
费用价 Cost value
森林费用价 Cost value of forest
单独林森林费用价 Cost value of forest of a single stand
法正作业级之森林费用价 Cost value of forest of normal working section
土地费用价 Cost value of forest soil
法正蓄积费用价 Cost value of mormal growing stock
土地费用价 Cost value of soil
林木费用价 Cost value of stand
伐木造林费 Costs of harvesting
运费 Costs of hauling
造林费 Costs of planting
造林费 Costs of reproduction
运费 Costs of transport
单独林林木费用价 Cost-value of the growingstock of a single wood
楔 Cotter