更新地 Compartment under regeneration罗盘仪测量 Compass surveying
曲干材 Compass-timber
校正测面仪 Compensating planimeter
竞争 Competition
全期间断作业 Complete intermittent working
完全施业合作社 Complete working cooperative society
木铁组成桁 Composite beam
中林 Composite forest
中林法 Composite forest method
中林作业 Composite system
堆肥 Compost
集成桁 Compound beam
中林 Compound coppice
复合中间膜 Compound middle lamella
混合髓(辐射)线 Compound ray
同Bulk modulus Compressibility modulus
压缩 Compression
波状皱裂 Compression failure
抗压材 Compression -member
生压材 Compression wood
抗压强 Compressive strength
木材纵压强 Compressive strength parallel to the grain
抗压力 Compressive stress
强制解除 Compulsory commutation
集中荷重 Concentrated load
混凝土霸 Concrete dam
凝结水 Condensed water
凝缩率 Condenser
冷却器 Condenser
冷却卷管 Condensing coil
冷却干燥室 Condensing kiln
条件处理法 Conditioning treatment
传导度 Conductivity
暗渠排水 Conduit
球果 Cone
圆锥状颓雪 Cone of avalanche
圆锥状岩片堆 Cone of debris
针叶树 Cone-bearer
同Cone-bearer Cone-bearing tree
球果直播 Cone-sowing
定在种 Confined