椰子油 Coconut-oil次优势木 Co-dominant
收缩系数 Co-efficient of contraction
变形系数 Coefficient of deformation
安全率 Coefficient of safety
应力(内伤)系数 Coefficient of strain
速度系数 Coefficient of velocity
咖啡树 Coffee-tree (Coffea arabica, L.)
凝聚力 Cohesive strength
蛇管冷却器 Coil-condenser
可乐茶素(cola acuminata 种子所含之茶素) Cola
寒带林带 Cold forest zone
冷碎 Cold grind
冷水冷却器 Cold water condenser
冷压油 Cold-prass oil
崩溃 Collapse
集水地 Collecting basin
集水沟 Collecting channel
集材场 Collecting place
木材停留场 Collecting-place for wood
弱硝化棉 Collodion cotton
硝酸人造丝 Collodion silk
列柱 Colonnade
酒精蒸溜塔 Colonnen apparatus
部落 Colony
固松脂 Colophany
见Colophany Colophony
考罗拉陀冷杉 Colorado white fir (Abics concolor, Parry.)
比色计 Colorimeter
着色 Coloring
呈色反应 Colour reaction
色素 Colouring matter
哥伦比亚流域圆材材积表 Columbia river log scale
支柱 Column
径断面 Comb-grained
管列回曲式 Combination header and return-bend system
间作林叶 Combination of forest and field-crops
间作林业 Combination of forestal and agricultural crops
乔林混农作业 Combined cropping system
折衷平分法 Combined framework
折衷平分法 Combined period method
乔林混农作业 Combined system of field crops and high fores