饥饿 Fames ; Hunger善饥,犬饥 Fames canina ; Bulimia ; Bulimiasis ; Cynorexia ; Dog-hunger
极度善饥,狼饥 Fames lupina ; Extreme bulimia ; Lycorexia ; Wolf-hunger
幻想性精神病 Fantastic insanity
疲倦 Fatigue
愚昧 Fatuity
恋物癖,片段恋癖 Fetishism ; Fetichism
恋衣癖 Fetishism for dressing
恋足癖 Fetishism for foot
恋发癖 Fetishism for hair
恋手癖 Fetishism for hand
恋肢体癖 Fetishism for part of body
恋鞋癖 Fetishism for shoes
恋物质癖 Fetishism for stuffs
狂躁发作 Fit of rang ; Fit of passion
固定观念,固定妄想 Fixed idea
蜡样屈曲症,蜡殭 Flexibilitas cerea
意想澎湃,意象奔放 Flight of ideas
强迫姿势 Forced attitude
强迫性幻觉 Forced hallucination
中枢性幻觉 Forced hallucination
强迫观念 Forced idea ; Obsession ; Phrenolepsia
强迫冲动 Forced impulse
愤怒暴发,暴怒 Frezy
摩擦欲,挨擦欲 Frottage
官能性幻觉 Functional hallucination
官能性神经病 Functional neurosis
狂乱,狂怒 Furia ; Furor ; Fury
狂暴,狂怒 Furor
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