主支流汇流区 convergent area of main and branch换算图表;变换表图 conversion chart
方向换算 conversion of directions
换流机组 converter set
冰中护航 convoy in ice
坐标变换器 coordinate conversion device
协调避碰操纵 coordinated collision avoidance maneuver
协调横移线搜索 coordinated creep line search
铜铅轴承 copper-lead bearing
等潮差线 corange line
柜角装置 corner fitting
地心纬度修正 correction of geocentric latitude
中纬修正量 correction of middle latitude
修正回路 corrective loop
蚀耗极限 corroded limit
波形膨胀管 corrugated expansion pipe
成本与运费 cost and freight {= C&F}
整流舵;压舵 counter rudder
反舵角 counter rudder angle
配重;衡重 counter weight [= counterweight]
反作用力 counter-acting force
逆流制动 counter-current braking
偶合振动 coupled vibration
航向自动操舵装置 course autopilot
变向能力 course changing ability
航向保持性 course keeping quality
航向向上 course up
阴 covered
呼叫各电台{无线电话用语} CQ
横漂 crabbing
探伤 crack detection
裂化燃料油 cracked fuel oil
起重机臂 crane boom
起重机伸距 crane radius
曲柄半径与连杆长比 crank radius-connecting rod length ratio
曲臂间距 crank spread
曲[柄]臂挠度 crank web deflection
曲[柄]轴箱爆炸 crankcase explosion
曲[柄]轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosion relief door
曲[柄]轴衡重 crankshaft counterweight
曲[柄]轴挠度[针盘]量规 crankshaft deflection dial gauge
曲[柄]轴疲劳破裂 crankshaft fatigue fracture