锥形导槽 conic guide连接整补 connected replenishment
与公海相通 connected with the high seas
连接装具 connecting fitting
连接线 connecting line
链连接环 connecting link
康苏兰[区域无线电示标] Consolan
固定自差 constant deviation
光行差常数 constant of aberration
定压涡轮增压 constant pressure turbo-charging
建造入级 constructive classification
货柜国码 container country code
货柜站到站 container freight station to container freight station {= CFS to CFS}
货柜导槽装置 container guide fitting
货柜吊架 container lifting spreader
货柜装柜图 container load plan
柜主代码 container owner code
货柜序号 container serial number
货柜场到场 container yard to container yard {= CY to CY}
邻接区 contiguous zone
大陆架界线 continental shelf boundary
连续甲板 continuous deck
额定连续常用出力 continuous service rating; continuous serving rating
连续守值 continuous watch
缔约国政府 Contract government
自身过失 contributory fault
控制用空[气]压[缩]机 control air compressor
操纵杆驱动机构 control rod drive mechanism
操纵杆导管 control rod guide tube
控制棒抽出事故 control rod withdrawal accident
控制棒抽出程序 control rod withdrawal sequence
控制室操纵板 control room maneuvering panel
控制站换向开关 control station change-over switch
可控被动水舱稳定系统 controllable passive tank stabilization system
可控相之补偿复激系统 controllable phase compensation compound excited system
可控距螺桨控制系统 controllable pitch propeller control system {= CPP control system}
可控距螺桨传动 controllable pitch propeller transmission
可控自激[恒]定电压设施 controllable self-excited constant voltage device
控制对象 controlled object
管制值机员 controlling operator
一般无线电业务 conventional radio service
传统式输送设备 conventional transfer rig