顺潮 fair tide; direct tide主航道 fairway; main channel
假水平线 false horizon
扇形光束;扇形波束 fan beam
扇形示位标杆;扇形波束无线电标杆 fan marder [= fan marker beacon]
艉甲板 fantail; quarter deck
远观板;远照器 far vane
出港浮标 farewell buoy
滤波 fast time constant coupling {= ETC}
顺流 favorable current
浅水航行 feel the bottom; smell the bottom
测深缓进 feeling the way
栈桥 ferry bridge; landing bridge; trestle bend
假太阳[星] fictitious sun star
视界 field of view
大圈终航向 final great circle course
火警[器];[火警]警号;火警警告 fire alarm
一星等 first magnitude
春分点 First point of aries; March equinox; vernal equinox
夏至点 First point of cancer; summer solstitial point
冬至点 First point of capricornus
上弦[月] first quarter; first quarter of the moon; waxing moon
鱼形测锤 fish lead
鱼网区浮标 fish net buoy
渔桩 fish stakes
渔闸 fish trap
渔堰 fish weir
定位 fix; position fix
定点 fixed point
恒星 fixed star
旗台 flag tower
自差消除棒{磁罗经} flinders bar
罗盘面浮室 float chamber
大浮冰 floe; ice float
海难船漂浮物 flolsen; flolson
升潮流;涨水流;涨潮流;洪流 flood current
涨潮流 flood stream
雾钟 fog bell
测雾灯 fog detector light
雾锣 fog gong
雾炮 fog guns
雾笛 fog horn
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