波江座 Eridanus; River爱神星 Eros
视差 error of parallax; parallax {= P}
垂直误差{六分仪} Error of perpendidicularity
潮汛;潮峰时差 establishment
港埠标准潮汛 establishment of a port
估计水流 estimated current
估计离港日期 estimated date of departure {= EDD}
预计到达时间;预计到埠时间;预计到港时间 estimated time of arriual [= expected time of arrival] {= ETA}
预计离开时间;预计启航时间;预计开航时间 estimated time of departure [= expected time of departure] {= ETD}
能见度特佳 exceptional visibility
超刻弧度 excess of arc
疑有;疑存;存在存疑 existence doubtful {= ED}
近中天 ex-meridian
近中天观测 ex-meridian observation
危险品锚地浮标 explosive anchorage buoy
爆音雾号 explosive fog signal
外延法 extrapolation
目镜 eyepiece; ocular
E-scope E型显示幕
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