日潮流 diurnal current每日视运动{天体} diurnal motion
日视差 diurnal parallax
日单潮 diurnal tide
暮更;晚餐更{1600~1800、1800~2000} dog watch
都卜勒系泊声纳系统 Doppler docking sonar system
都卜勒航海 Doppler navigation
都卜勒测程仪 Doppler speed log
剑鱼座 Dorado; Sword Fish
双退潮 double ebb
双涨潮 double flood
双脉波发射{罗远} double pulsing
双程回迹 double range echo
双潮 double tide
艏倍角定位法 doubling angle on the bow
躬艏 down by the head
坐艉 down by the stern
下游 downstream; lower reach
天龙座 Draco; Dragon
吃水标志;水呎[标志] draft marks
拖曳;曳力;流锚;艉吃水深 drag
拖测;拖锚 dragging
浚深水道 dredged channel
挖泥浮标 dredging buoy
涸池 dries
漂流;漂流速;漂流距 drift
流偏角 drift angle
流锚测锤 drift lead
流沙 drift sand; quick sand; shifting sand
干罗经 dry compass
天枢{属大熊星座} Dubhe
哑罗经 dumb card compass; dumb compass; pelorus
双向法{双工制} duplex
退潮持续期 duration of ebb; duration of fall
涨潮持续期 duration of flood; duration of rise
堤 dyke
D-indicator; D-scan; D-scope D型显示器
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