复虹 supernumerary rainbows超饱和 supersaturation
补充观测 supplementary observation
船舶辅助观测台 supplementary ship station
上珥 supralateral tangent ares
拍岸浪 surf
浪击 surf beat
地面气温 surface air temperature
表面流 surface current
地面流 surface flow
地面锋 surface front
地面观测 surface observation
不连续面 surface of discontinuity
沈降面 surface of subsidence
地面径流 surface runoff
表面波 surface wave; surge wave
地面天气图 surface weather chart
激浪;波浪起伏;锚泊;船之波动 surge
风速突变线 surge line
持续风 sustained wind
燕[风]暴 swallow storm
流溅 swasn
长浪;涌 swell
同时变化 synchronous changes
综观[天气]图 synoptic chart
综观天气电码 synoptic code
综观[天气图]时间 synoptic hour
综观[天气]观测 synoptic observation
综观[天气]型 synoptic regime
综观[天气]尺度 synoptic scale
综观[天气]大势 synoptic situation
综观[天气]站 synoptic station
风系 system of winds; wind system
朔望;西齐基风 syzygy
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