传真图 facsimile chart; fax chart华氏 Fahrenheit {= F}
华氏温标 Fahrenheit temperature scale
晕线 faint line
好;晴 fair [= fine]
惠风 fair wind
福克兰海流 Falkland current
瀑风 fall wind
落潮 falling tide
落尘风 fallout winds
雨旛;雪旛 fallstreaks
伪卷云 false cirrus
气旋族;气旋群 family of cyclones
岸冰 fast ice; landfast ice; land ice; shore ice
法达摩加纳 Fata Morgana
风羽;水羽 feather
输进;[风暴]增强 feeding
触底 feeling bottom; striking bottom; touch bottom
佛雷尔旋涡 Ferrel vortex
花彩云 festoon-cloud
吹风区;吹风距离 fetch
纤维状[云] fibratus
丝状冰 fibrous ice
伪锋 fictitious front
伪日;假太阳[星] fictitious sun
消雾术 FIDO
基标 fiducial mark
基温 fiducial temperature
冰原冰 field ice
风场 field of wind; wind field
填塞 filliing
冰膜 film crust
狭[海]湾 fiord; fjord
火灾天气 fire weather
陈年冰 firn ice
陈年雪 firn; néve
冰河风 firn-wind; glacier wind
初亏 first contact
初阵风 first gust
首年冰 first year ice
裂缝;裂隙 fissure
固定光束云幂仪 fixed-beam ceilometer
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