静音临界 threshold in quiet门坎位准 threshold level
门坎取样,临界取样 threshold sampling
决定门坎,决定临界值 threshold, decision
检测门坎,检测临界值 threshold, detection
(数据)产出量,流通量(单位时间内) throughput
钛扩散 ti diffusion
紧缓冲装填缆线 tight buffer cable
紧緮波 tightly bond wave
倾斜面连接器 tilited face connector
话音插控技术 Time Assignment Speech Interpolation (TASI)
时间压缩多任务法,压时多任务法 time compression multiplexing
时间常数 time constant
最小均方法时间常数 time constants, LMS
延时电路 time delay circuit
延时差 time delay differential
时间延迟失真,延时失真 time delay distortion
时间分集(在不同时间重复传送) time diversity
方时多任务,时域多任务 Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
分时多任务集中式频率 time division multiplexing, centralized colock of
分时多任务码框 time division multiplexing, frame of
分时多任务接收机同步 time division multiplexing, receiver synchronization of
同步分时多任务 time division multiplexing, synchronous
分时多任务时槽交换 time division multiplexing, time-slot interchanger of
分时交换机 time division switch
分时交换系统,分时交换制 time division switching system
时域 time domain
多模态频宽下降点时域量测 time domain measurements for multimode bandwidth fall-off point
多模态频宽转移函数时域量测 time domain measurements for multimode bandwidth transfer function
时域多重进接 Time Domain Multiple Access (TDMA)
时域反射仪 time domain reflectometer (TDR)
时域反射量测法 time domain reflectometry
时域交换矩阵 time domain switch matrix
固定型分时多任务 time fivision multiplexing, deterministic
非时变通道 time invariant channel
时槽 time slot
时间窗口 time window
存取时间,数据选择时间,信息发送时间 time, access
获取时间 time, acquistion
动作时间,致动时间 time, actuation
时间-频宽乘积 time-bandwidth product
时基,扫描(基线) time-base