千兆,十亿(此处兆等于百万) G (giga)G频带(4-6GHz) G band
(天线)增益与噪声温度比 G/T (gain/noise temperature)
砷化镓铝 GaAlAs
砷化镓铝边缘发光器 GaAlAs edge emitter
砷化镓铝发光二极管 GaAlAs LED
砷化镓铝表面发射发光二极管 GaAlAs surface-emitting LED
锑化镓铝/锑化镓 GaAlSb/GaSb
砷化镓 GaAs
砷化镓场效晶体管前级放大器 GaAs FET preamplifier
砷化镓长晶速率 GaAs growth rate
砷化镓液相磊晶 GaAs liquid phase epitaxy
接面双极晶体管 GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor
砷化镓/砷化铝镓污染雷射 GaAs/AlGaAs infection laser
砷化镓/砷化铝镓发光二极管 GaAs/AlGaAs LED
砷化镓/砷化镓铝选择性掺杂异质结构晶体管 GaAs/GaAlAs selectively doped heterostructure transistor
(天线或放大器之)增益 gain
增益压缩点 gain compression point
放大器增益 gain of amplifter
自动增益稳定 gain stabilization, automatic
放大器增益 gain, amplifier
天线增益 gain, antenna
音频增益 gain, audio
编码增益 gain, coding
(天线)定向增益 gain, directive
滤波增益 gain, filtering
梯度折射系数光纤藕合增益 gain, graded index fiber coupling
介入增益 gain, insertion
(脉波)积分增益 gain, integration
雷射临界增益 gain, laser threshold
噪声滤波增益 gain, noise filtering
一般增益,标准增益 gain, normal
偶极(天线)增益 gain, of idpoles
非主轴之天线增益 gain, off-axis antenna
光增益 gain, optical
处理增益 gain, processing
砷化镓/磷化铟多重量子井雷射 GaInAs/InP multiquantum well laser
砷磷化镓铟雷射 GaInAsP laser
砷磷化镓铟/磷化铟雷射 GaInAsP/ In P laser
增益-频宽乘积 gain-bandwidth product
比较式(转换式)天线增益量测 gain-comparison antenna measurement
增益转移天线量测 gain-transfer antenna measurement
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